Renaissance Sri Lanka distributed school supplies to children of the fishing community of Negombo in Sri Lanka
The burning and sinking of the massive container ship X-Press Pearl in May 2021 resulted in large amounts of toxic nitric acid and non-biodegradable plastic pellets being spilled into the sea, polluting Sri Lanka‘s beautiful coastal waters over a distance of 80 km. Renaissance Sri Lanka had launched a fundraising campaign in June 2021. A total of LKR 102,000 was received in donations from many countries on all continents.
The burning and sinking of the container ship X-Press Pearl
In May 2021, an ecological disaster struck Sri Lanka following the fire and sinking of the container ship X-Press Pearl. The famous fishing town of Negombo has been hit hard, especially the coastal fishermen who cannot leave the large polluted sea area to fish.
In addition to the considerable impact on the environment, there was also humanitarian distress for the community in the town of Negombo.
Renaissance Sri Lanka distributes school supplies to children in Negombo © Renaissance Sri Lanka
The fundraising campaign launched by Renaissance Sri Lanka
Renaissance Sri Lanka distributed school supplies to 65 children of the fishing community of Negombo, on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, a few weeks before the start of the school year in January. The fundraising campaign launched by Renaissance Sri Lanka in June 2021 resulted in the receipt of LKR 102,000 in donations from many countries on all continents.

The distribution of school supplies by Renaissance Sri Lanka
Renaissance Sri Lanka worked with the United Fishermen’s and Fish Workers Congress (UFFC) to identify 65 children to benefit from the distribution of school supplies. The distribution took place on Wednesday, December 22, 2021, a few weeks before the start of the school year in January, at Wellaweediya Church in Negombo.

Younger children (10 years old or younger) received packs that contained CR books, exercise books, pens, pencils, a platinum set, a gum bottle, a ruler, an eraser, a notebook, and a file cover. Older children (between 11 and 16 years old) received packs that contained CR books, Exercise books, a geometry box, pens, pencils, a platinum set, a gum bottle, an eraser, a ruler, a notebook, a black paint book, and a file cover.
The distribution was also a celebration and songs were sung with the children.